1984 — An Immersive Theatre Production
I was asked by Tower Theatre to create the graphics and video for their immersive theatre production of George Orwell’s 1984. They wanted a full conception of Ingsoc’s brand and to show it’s influence throughout the performance. This included the infamous telescreens of Big Brother, it’s Hate video broadcasts, party propaganda campaigns, flags and banners, package design and it’s advertising. All of these design elements were to be integrated into the theatre and it's set.
I treated the project as I would any new brand, from the ground up. I first created Ingsoc’s brand guidelines, included the typography and colour swatches; and every other possible output from that. Everything from currency, gin labels and the cigarette packets was used during the performance to immerse the actors and the audience into Orwell’s story.

The brand

Big Brother

The Telescreens — Motion Graphics

Propaganda Posters

Advertising and Product Design

Packaging and Currency

Production Merchandising